Thursday, September 6, 2012

When Did it Become September Already?

Hi All,

Did you know it was already September? When did I blink and the year is almost over? The days just keep getting faster don't they.

But hey, now that its September, do you know what that means? Yep, you guessed it (well, if you live in the south you guessed it, if you are in the north - it could mean a bunch of things)... College Football! Yes sir (or ma'am), college football craziness has hit my apartment (I mean, I'm pretty sure G was salivating when August 1 hit because it meant UGA football was almost back). And now that the season has officially started (we went to the home opener last Saturday), I have to pull out my red and black. Fun side note (for all you northern followers), did you know that you are supposed to dress up for football games?! I mean, yes - I have had 2.5 years to get used to it but it still surprises me. So being that its a new season, I went shopping as I needed more red and black dressy options. My wardrobe consisted of 1 red dress and 1 black dress and thats it. Macy's had a bunch of options but I just wasn't impressed with the way they looked on. But leave it to G to find me some dresses. I swear that boy is better at clothes shopping than I am. We were walking by this boutique in the mall when I stopped to gaze at a UGA picture frame and he saw a "game colors clothing" sign. We walked in. I found two dresses (1 all red, and 1 red/black combo) in the first minute and they fit perfectly and were comfortable. Score! And let me tell you, with how hot it gets down here (last saturday's game was miserably hot), comfort is the name of the game. I'll be able to breath in these dresses. So yay for fall and dressing up for college football- it gave me a reason to go shopping! And if I can hope for one thing to happen this football season, its that UGA has a good year and lives up to the expectations. It'll make my fall so much better!

Other than college football starting, nothing else exciting down here. The cats are finally getting healthy (crossing my fingers it stays that way). They have become quite the Nascar kitties lately (now that we can let them out into the apartment).Be careful where you step because you might get tripped by a kitten on the run. They seriously bring smiles to our faces every day, even though they are a lot of work and a lot of $$ thanks to extra vet visits. We laugh daily playing with them.

Here's to an exciting fall. Who thinks I can convince G to take me to a pumpkin patch again? Or Helen's Oktoberfest? Anybody? Yeah, I might be grasping for straws on those.

Until next time,


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