Thursday, September 13, 2012

Why Social Media is Awesome...

Hello All,

I wish I had a better title than that, but I'm not that creative. Anyways, I have just realized why social media was created. They say its to keep in touch with others (blah blah blah) but in reality they created it for people like me. People who need distractions or something to do at work. Yep you heard right, its to give us worker bees something to pass the time when there is no actual work to be done. I promise, I finished everything on my desk by 9am this morning. Needless to say I'm bored. But yes, before you get on me -  I know I'm lucky to get paid to play on the internet. There are many people out there looking for work as we speak. So in reality, I'm not complaining. And this is coming from someone who recently worked retail and was on my feet all day dealing with rude customers, I am sooo not trying to complain. So thank you Facebook and Twitter for keeping me occupied today. Thank you to the following websites for keeping me entertained and at times trying to figure out a way to laugh quietly at my desk: People Magazine and most importantly, People of Walmart. Pinterest got blocked a few weeks ago so I lost that one. Oh well, I'm sure its only a matter of time before all of these others get blocked. Now if I could just get a faster computer with up to date software, it would make playing on the internet so much better.

Until next time, you can find me on facebook or twitter if you need a comrade to keep yourself busy during the day. Because I can't possibly be the only one not busy at work, right?


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