Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Post Holiday Blues?

Hi All,

It feels like we rush, rush, rush to get ready for Christmas and then in a blink of an eye its over. Am I right?! Oh well, until next year. This year's Christmas was one for the record books I think. It was actually the first one G and I actually spent together (the entire Christmas trip I mean). We also spent 24 hours in the car to spend Christmas with our families. We started off the long weekend heading to Georgia to celebrate with his family. And to do a bit of wedding planning- to be honest, we only did cake tasting and decided on the cake. We had an enjoyable time- would you believe it was G's first time experiencing a 'Dirty Santa'/White Elephant gift exchange?! Me neither. It was a blast. We picked up the remainder of his things (what couldn't originally fit in the car when we moved him up here) and then it felt like the trip was over in a blink of an eye. We then hit the road Christmas Eve to head to Va Beach to celebrate with my family. We started off celebrating with my mom and then stopping by to see her side of the family. On Christmas morning, we headed to my best friend's house to see her and her girls. And then it was off to my grandmother's house where G got to meet my dad's side of the family for the very first time. I warned him ahead of time of how crazy our family can be so I think he was prepared but he's convinced they went easy on him. I told him that's probably true. And then that Christmas celebration was over. I tell you- we spend at least a month getting in to the holiday spirit and then it flies by before you even know it.

So we headed back to Alexandria where we proceeded to pick up our brand new KEYS to our apartment. We will be right near Old Town which I'm very excited about. Our furniture gets delivered tomorrow and then the internet is hooked up on Saturday. Still trying to decide on a cable company. Thinking maybe we don't need it for awhile if I invest in an Apple TV/Roku type device with all of my gift cards? And signing up for Hulu Plus/Netflix... I know we'll need cable once college football comes on but I think we could get away with during baseball season. Not sure- weighing the options. It just seems like the satellite company and the cable company want to rip you off (DirecTV has great prices but the provider of DirecTV in my new complex has significantly higher prices than the normal DirecTV packages- otherwise its a no brainer between DirecTV and Comcast).

Anyways, I know I haven't posted in a while. But its been busy up here in NoVa- getting G settled in to the area, getting ready for Christmas, travelling for 7 days straight- it felt like there was driving on each of those days but it was only 3 out of those 7, picking up our keys, planning a wedding, etc. Hopefully in the new year things will settle down. Don't hold your breath though- its full steam ahead until March 30!

Until next time,


PS- if you have any thoughts or suggestions on the cable/no cable debate- let me hear them...

1 comment:

  1. Could you walk to local bars to watch the games? We would love to dump the cable but hulu doesn't have all of our shows.
