Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Next Big Adventure

Hi All,

So one would think planning a wedding in six months is hard enough on its own. Yes, yes it is. But add on to that a job change and a move, and you have My Next Big Adventure. As I wind down my last week here in the Third Party Administrator company world, I anxiously await a return to my old job with Census. I left Census in 2010 to remain in GA permanently with G which I've never looked back on because our relationship grew and became stronger (obviously). I knew I didn't want a long distance relationship at the time so I made the leap and stayed down here.

After much thought and deliberation a few months ago, G and I decided to take a chance and explore our job options in DC. Side note, this was way before the engagement. After sending a few emails, it became very apparent that we were getting signs that this was the right opportunity for us. Not 24 laters from my first email did I find out that there was an opening in my old office. And two months later, that position is mine.

I am so blessed that I have been given this opportunity again. Not only am I simply being reinstated (no starting over here) but they are paying relocation expenses as well. I will be back in DC in less than 2 weeks in my old office.

G has decided to remain down here for the first bit as his department asked him to remain there until the end of the year. We'll see if he stays that long, but it's the best decision for us. Considering we have a wedding to pay for and debt we want to pay off, both us having good paying jobs seems like a win-win. And it gives him a lot more time to find a job up there too. Even though I don't like the idea of being away from him, I know its only 2 months and temporary.

We've kept this pretty hush hush during the discussion of it, the possibility of it, and even when it came to fruition simply because we hadn't told our jobs yet and more importantly, I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up on my side. Also, it was out of respect for his family and friends too who were the one's being affected the most. G has grown up in GA for most of his life and this is his comfort zone and this is where his family is. But now its all a reality (for me at least). G is still working on an official end date with his superiors.

So if you see me and I look tired, stressed or overwhelmed, now you know why. Planning a wedding and a big move all in a few weeks is one Major Adventure. Add on top of that, being away every weekend so I'm losing out on prime planning and packing time, yeah I'm probably crazy. But it will all be worth it in the end. You only have one life right?!

Until next time,


PS/Disclaimer ~ If you are stopping by from facebook and are friends with both me and G, please only post responses on my facebook page. He is friend's with some coworkers and not everyone in his office knows of his departure since they are still working out the details. Thanks everyone!!

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