Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ramblings- Or the Jumbled Thoughts of Christina

Hello All,

Its another day in the life of Christina over here. Can you believe its already August? Jeez, the time is flying. Anyways, its been busy over here in Christina land. A trip to Orlando (Disney World and Universal) over July 4 with Grant, Preston and Lauren. Let me tell you- two Mintz brothers and 1 vacation... Lauren and I deserve medals I tell you. It was a blast and I plan on posting a whole blog with pictures (there's a few on facebook now I think). Highlight of the trip - HARRY POTTER WORLD! Yes, I finally made it to Harry Potter World. If I could live there I would, it was that awesome.

In other news, my mother is doing much better. She moved up to Virginia Beach to be closer to relatives (both her brother and sister live up there still with there respective families). There have been no more side effects lately or emergency trips to the hospital. Thankfully. Grant and I were able to get up to Virginia Beach a few weekends ago to visit her and to make sure she was all settled in. It was really good to see her.

Speaking of Virginia Beach, Grant finally made it there for a trip. 3 years later! Ha. We had a very quick trip as we drove and didn't have any time off around the weekend. Our primary agenda was to visit with my mom, reconnect with her side of the family and meet baby Callie. To put it mildly, we were exhausted by the time we got home. But it was worth every minute. We were able to visit with my grandma and have lunch with her and we were able to have lunch with the Smeads before we left too. It was so much fun and I got to hold Callie over and over again. As well as hand her off to her daddy when she needed a diaper change (Aunt Chrissy is still not on diaper duty). Mackenzie taught Grant how to play field hockey in the living room (I think Katy was too tired to fight that fight- the whole sports in the house thing). They didn't break a thing and Grant learned that you can't win against an 8 year old because the rules always change to her liking- haha.

And finally to round up this rambling post, our cats had a wellness visit as soon as we got back from Va Beach. It was supposed to be the day before we left but lets just say my car decided to crap out on me and request its very own new battery (thank you goes to the Ford Motor Company though who sent someone to my house to jump start my car for free so I could get to work). Thanks also go to Advanced Auto Parts for testing my battery and replacing it in the blazing hot summer heat. And I guess I should thank my car for crapping out the day before vacation instead of ON vacation. That was lucky.

Anyways, back to the cats. Where to begin. We thought it was a good idea to get two cats so they always have a friend to keep them company. But did you know if you have a sick cat, you have to treat BOTH cats (especially kittens) all the time. Yeah, didn't see that one coming. We noticed Pickles had been sneezing a lot (we thought maybe allergies) but the Vet decided to treat him for a cold (gave him an antibiotic at the office) and gave us a gel to put on their noses. Penny loves this medicine and comes back for more while Pickles cowers in a corner. On top of the cold, they found Pickles has a parasite. So we got the pleasure of trying to hold two kittens down for 6 days trying to give them this oral medicine (a little vial you squirt in their mouth). Yep that happened. And it made a mess a lot of the times. Until we employed the "wrap the kitten up in a towel" method that is. That at least minimized the mess. Oh did I forget to mention that it doesn't end here. Yep no dice. We noticed a small rough patch next to Pickles eye before the vet visit so we figured we should mention it to the Vet. It could be a variety of things but they wanted to test for Ringworm just to be safe. Lets just say we knew it was that before the results even came back because another spot showed up on his leg. Yes Pickles not only still has a cold, just got off a parasite (I hope) and now we are dealing with Ringworm. Which is apparently a 30 day vial treatment program for BOTH CATS. I mean really, we barely survived 6 days of a vial treatment. Now we have a 30 day medicine. Still waiting for that to arrive so I'll let you know how it goes. However, throughout all of this everything has been covered by the Humane Society or that 30 day pet insurance that is complimentary. One of the two. We have been very lucky that the costs have been zero so far. I just hope they get healthy because this mama is miserable seeing two unhappy cats because they have to be quarantined (in the bathroom) until the medicine comes in.

See what I mean, ramblings I tell you. I think I just had one of those mind dump things. I feel better. How about you? Next time I'll tell you about some of the lovely ideas I have gotten from Pinterest and have actually attempted to implement. I'm addicted to that site right now. Addicted I tell you.

That's all for now, I promise.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Hope you can give them their medicine! It's tricky! Glad your mom is doing well. -Katie
