Monday, November 5, 2012

Well Hello November

Hi All,

November is here to stay for a bit and with it came Winter weather. Maybe I'm a baby or a wimp who got really used to Georgia weather, but its freaking cold up here in NoVa. Oh well, it'll be Spring before we know it. Or thats what I tell myself to get out of bed and brave the cold.

As for my job, I'm getting back in to the swing of things. After two weeks on the 8 hour schedule, I have now shifted back to my 4-10 schedule with Fridays off. Yay! That means I have a 4 day weekend coming up- I'd say perfect time to get my old schedule back. There isn't much work going on and I'm still gaining access to the systems but I'm still enjoying being back.

This past weekend was amazing. It was Danielle's birthday- so to celebrate, us girls (Steph, Danielle and I) got a hotel in the city for Friday night. After checking in, we met up with a bunch of people for appetizers and drinks at La Tasca (one of my particular favorites). We got to hang out with Patrick, Laura, Chris, Katie, Catherine and Danielle's boyfriend as well as other friends of Danielle's. Afterwards, we said our goodbyes to a portion of the group and headed to Zaytinya for more drinks and dinner (still tapas style). Being the old ladies that we are, Steph and I crashed after dinner while Danielle managed to stay out for a little while longer. Saturday entailed heading out to Gainesville to hang out at Steph's house watching college football and eating football food as I like to call it. Except I'd like to mention how we failed on pumpkin dip (we never made it). On Sunday morning, we all woke up (except Danielle who chose spinning over IHOP- I know, crazy right) and headed to IHOP (obviously) to meet up with Patrick and Laura. It was a great weekend to spend with old friends who I now get to see anytime I want. Yay!

On another note, I might get to see my best friend this weekend!!!! I'm trying to convince her to come up (90% there) and she says the only way is if I help with Kenzie and Callie. Challenge accepted since those are two of my favorite girls on the planet. I'm going to keep my fingers and toes crossed that this trip happens!!!

And now only 25 days remain of me in DC and G in GA. I'm so glad we aren't going all the way until Xmas.

Until next time,
